Private Equity

Private Equity

Did you know, PE firms have diverged in terms of their areas of focus over the past couple of months. Whereas at the beginning of the pandemic, PE firms were laser-focused on stabilizing their existing portfolios, they have since shifted focus.  With an estimated $1.9 tn in dry powder globally, a low interest rate environment, and promising new opportunities arising in the market, it is likely that the hunt for good assets will continue,  both to add value to their existing portfolio companies and to deploy capital more efficiently.

Why not utilise the global scenario above for one’s own ends. Do you have an established business looking for capital injection for further growth? Or do  you have a  company that’s stagnant and potentially distressed due to inefficiencies, but still has huge growth potential?

We can assist you choose the right PE fund ranging from 50 million dollars, even up to One billion dollars for certain verticals of eminence.